Aajil Shirin - Shabeh Yalda Mobarak

What is Aajil Shirin?
‘Aajil’ is a term used in Persian for a mixture of nuts, or a mixture of fruit and nuts. ‘Shirin’ means sweet. So Aajil Shirin is a sweet fruit and nuts mix.
It is eaten on many occasions, as part of the nibbles at a party or can be a great snack on trips and picnics. Iranians often have it at gatherings on special occasions, such as Shabeh Yalda (longest night of the year) or Nowrouz (new years day).

Aajil Shirin can be bought already mixed, like our like our Walnut Tree Fruit & Nut Platter or you can mix your own. LemonSalt stocks a variety of nuts and dried fruits to make a unique and tasty version; feel free to alter quantities to your own taste: